Bluebird Botanicals, Uplift CBG + CBD Oil 7.5mg, Full Spectrum, 1fl oz, 450mg CBG + 450mg CBD $37.46

Uplift CBG + CBD Oil Ingredients:

Our Uplift CBG + CBD Oil blend contains sustainably sourced ingredients including:

Full-spectrum hemp extract
CBG isolate
D-limonene & d-alpha-pinene terpenes
Organic fractionated coconut oil

CBG and the entourage effect
CBG is known as the “mother cannabinoid.” It’s the original form of many cannabinoids including THC, CBD, and CBC. Specific enzymes in the plant break CBGA down and “direct” it toward one of the three lines. It is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and is typically present in low concentrations, which makes it a “minor cannabinoid.”

However, CBG plays a really important role in the “entourage effect” which describes how all cannabinoids and terpenes work synergistically together to maximize their effect on the body. CBG and CBD get along like peas in a pod when featured in equal levels in a hemp extract, as in our new blend here. When combined with the extra boost of isolated terpenes, it allows the entourage effect to operate in full force and thus create the unique experience you will have with this blend.
What are terpenes and what do they do?
Terpenes are simple organic compounds that are present in the essential oils of many of our favorite botanicals. Scientists theorize that terpenes can serve many different purposes, but in cannabis, their main role is providing distinct scents and flavors as well as contributing to the entourage effect.

The two botanically-derived terpenes that are featured in our Uplift CBG + CBD Oil blend are d-alpha-pinene and d-limonene. These terpenes are most commonly found in coniferous plants and citrus fruits (which you might’ve guessed from their names). Although you might not be familiar with the scientific makeup of terpenes, you likely will be able to identify their presence easily in this blend through its bright, clean and botanical flavor. Enjoy a dropperful and imagine yourself taking a stroll through the forest on a lovely spring day!
Standard Use & Typical Serving Size:
Serving Size: 15 drops (0.5 mL)
Daily Recommended Servings:  2 servings (1 mL)
Concentration Per Serving: 7.5 mg of CBG + 7.5 mg of CBD

Take 1 serving (0.5 mL or 15 drops) by mouth up to twice per day, or as directed by a medical professional.

We encourage doing your own research and experimentation with hemp extract blends in order to find what feels best for you.
Our Uplift CBG + CBD Oil is guaranteed to stay fresh unrefrigerated for two years. Store in a shaded, dry place at room temperature.

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